23 research outputs found

    The inclusion of logical interactions of attributes in the multi-criteria analysis methods

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    Cilj ove doktorske disertacije jeste da se razviju hibridni modeli koji će omogućiti unapređenje procesa višekriterijumskog odlučivanja. Postojeći alati, koji služe kao podrška višekriterijumskom odlučivanju, su se u praksi pokazali kao pouzdani i efikasni. Međutim, analizom istih uočeno je da je njihov glavni nedostatak to što ne posvećuju dovoljno pažnje međusobnoj komparaciju, uslovljenosti i logičkoj zavisnosti između atributa odlučivanja. Stoga, u okviru rada su predloženi višekriterijumski modeli za rešavanje problema odlučivanja koji se baziraju na kombinovanju klasičnih i fazi metoda višekriterijumske analize, kao i primeni interpolativne Bulove algebre. Glavna hipoteza od koje se polazi u okviru disertacije je da se kombinovanjem interpolativnog Bulovog pristupa, fazi logike i metoda višekriterijumske analize može bolje modelovati proces odlučivanja, nego korišćenjem pojedinačnih metoda višekriterijumske analize. Klasične metode višekriterijumske analize su u literaturi najčešće primenjivane za rešavanje problema odlučivanja, mada je njihovo osnovno ograničenje ne posedovanje adekvatnog okvira za prikazivanje neizvesnih/nepreciznih atributa. Takvi uslovi su pogodovali razvoju teorije fazi skupova, koja omogućava analizu neizvesnih atributa uz pomoć fazi brojeva. Stoga, u okviru doktorske disertacije razvijeni su hibridni modeli koji kombinuju klasične i fazi metode višekriterijumske analize, kako bi se prevazišli identifikovani nedostaci i postigli pouzdaniji rezultati. Takođe, predloženi su i modeli bazirani na interpolativnoj Bulovoj algebri koji uključuju logičke interakcije atributa. Na taj način se proširuju mogućnosti lingvističkih iskaza donosilaca odluke i omogućava se realniji prikaz problema. Predloženi modeli su testirani na primerima rangiranja poslovnih banaka i snabdevača telekomunikacione opreme. Za rešavanje problema izbora poslovnih banaka predložen je integrisani model koji kombinuje klasičnu i fazi metodu višekriterijumske analize. S druge strane, za rešavanje problema rangiranja snabdevača predložen je integrisani model koji kombinuje dve fazi metode višekriterijumske analize i hibridni model koji u...The aim of this doctorial dissertation is to develop hybrid models that will allow improving the process for multi-criteria decision making. Existing tools that can support the multi-criteria decision-making have proven to be reliable and efficient. However, by the analysis it was observed that their main disadvantage is that they do not pay enough attention to the mutual comparison, conditionality and logical dependencies between the decision making attributes. Therefore, multi-criteria models are proposed in the thesis for solving decision problems that are based on a combination of classical and fuzzy methods of multi-criteria analysis, as well as the application of the interpolate Boolean algebra. The main hypothesis in the thesis is that by combining interpolate Boolean approach, fuzzy logic and multi-criteria analysis method the decision-making process can be better modeled than by using a single method of multi-criteria analysis. Classical methods of multi-criteria analysis in the literature are most often applied to solve the problem of decision-making, although their main limitation is the lack of adequate framework for the presentation of the uncertain/imprecise attributes. Such conditions are favorable for the development of the theory of fuzzy sets, which enables analysis of uncertain attributes with the help of fuzzy numbers. Therefore, in this doctorial dissertation were developed hybrid models that combine classical and fuzzy methods of the multi-criteria analysis, in order to overcome the identified deficiencies and achieve more reliable results. Also, the models are proposed based on the interpolate Boolean algebra involving logical interactions of attributes. In this way the capabilities are extended of the linguistic statements of decision makers, and a more realistic view of the problem is allowed. The proposed models are tested on the examples of ranking business banks and telecommunications equipment suppliers. To solve the problem of selecting the business banks is proposed an integrated model that combines classical and fuzzy method of multi-criteria analysis. On the other hand, for solving the problem of ranking suppliers..


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    Focus groups, as important exploratory and qualitative methods of research, have become ever more present in theory and practice. The object of this research is to explore the applicability of online focus groups and to find out whether the traditional approach could possibly be exchanged with the new one. Also, the object is to summarize new reachable surveys and to compare theory with practice. The data was collected from in-depth interviews and secondary sources. The main questions are: Is the online focus group an effective method of collecting qualitative data, and is it always the best solution? Moreover, will it replace the traditional focus group? The new approach, however, can be cheaper and easily combined with other methods. For example, interviewees can be reached more easily. Both the traditional and the new approach have, of course, advantages and disadvantages. A researcher has to be well informed about them, so he could decide which approach is appropriate for which survey. Finally, one of the objectives of the research is to check whether the Croatian market is developed enough for a concrete implementation of online focus groups

    Analysis of the efficiency of insurance companies in Serbia using the fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS methods

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    The aim of this study is to propose a fuzzy multi-criteria model that will facilitate the assessment of insurance companies’ efficiency. This study includes all companies operating within the insurance sector in Serbia in the period from 2007 to 2014 and the data were used from the published financial statements of insurance companies. Five key indicators were identified for the assessment and rating of insurance companies. Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) were used for building the proposed model. In the first stage, priority weights of criteria were defined by using the FAHP, while in the second phase the insurance companies were ranked using the TOPSIS method


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    Focus groups, as important exploratory and qualitative methods of research, have become ever more present in theory and practice. The object of this research is to explore the applicability of online focus groups and to find out whether the traditional approach could possibly be exchanged with the new one. Also, the object is to summarize new reachable surveys and to compare theory with practice. The data was collected from in-depth interviews and secondary sources. The main questions are: Is the online focus group an effective method of collecting qualitative data, and is it always the best solution? Moreover, will it replace the traditional focus group? The new approach, however, can be cheaper and easily combined with other methods. For example, interviewees can be reached more easily. Both the traditional and the new approach have, of course, advantages and disadvantages. A researcher has to be well informed about them, so he could decide which approach is appropriate for which survey. Finally, one of the objectives of the research is to check whether the Croatian market is developed enough for a concrete implementation of online focus groups

    Proizvodnja i percepcija govora

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    Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana. Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa.Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana. Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa

    Proizvodnja i percepcija govora

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    Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana. Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa.Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana. Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa

    The inclusion of logical interactions of attributes in the multi-criteria analysis methods

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    Cilj ove doktorske disertacije jeste da se razviju hibridni modeli koji će omogućiti unapređenje procesa višekriterijumskog odlučivanja. Postojeći alati, koji služe kao podrška višekriterijumskom odlučivanju, su se u praksi pokazali kao pouzdani i efikasni. Međutim, analizom istih uočeno je da je njihov glavni nedostatak to što ne posvećuju dovoljno pažnje međusobnoj komparaciju, uslovljenosti i logičkoj zavisnosti između atributa odlučivanja. Stoga, u okviru rada su predloženi višekriterijumski modeli za rešavanje problema odlučivanja koji se baziraju na kombinovanju klasičnih i fazi metoda višekriterijumske analize, kao i primeni interpolativne Bulove algebre. Glavna hipoteza od koje se polazi u okviru disertacije je da se kombinovanjem interpolativnog Bulovog pristupa, fazi logike i metoda višekriterijumske analize može bolje modelovati proces odlučivanja, nego korišćenjem pojedinačnih metoda višekriterijumske analize. Klasične metode višekriterijumske analize su u literaturi najčešće primenjivane za rešavanje problema odlučivanja, mada je njihovo osnovno ograničenje ne posedovanje adekvatnog okvira za prikazivanje neizvesnih/nepreciznih atributa. Takvi uslovi su pogodovali razvoju teorije fazi skupova, koja omogućava analizu neizvesnih atributa uz pomoć fazi brojeva. Stoga, u okviru doktorske disertacije razvijeni su hibridni modeli koji kombinuju klasične i fazi metode višekriterijumske analize, kako bi se prevazišli identifikovani nedostaci i postigli pouzdaniji rezultati. Takođe, predloženi su i modeli bazirani na interpolativnoj Bulovoj algebri koji uključuju logičke interakcije atributa. Na taj način se proširuju mogućnosti lingvističkih iskaza donosilaca odluke i omogućava se realniji prikaz problema. Predloženi modeli su testirani na primerima rangiranja poslovnih banaka i snabdevača telekomunikacione opreme. Za rešavanje problema izbora poslovnih banaka predložen je integrisani model koji kombinuje klasičnu i fazi metodu višekriterijumske analize. S druge strane, za rešavanje problema rangiranja snabdevača predložen je integrisani model koji kombinuje dve fazi metode višekriterijumske analize i hibridni model koji u...The aim of this doctorial dissertation is to develop hybrid models that will allow improving the process for multi-criteria decision making. Existing tools that can support the multi-criteria decision-making have proven to be reliable and efficient. However, by the analysis it was observed that their main disadvantage is that they do not pay enough attention to the mutual comparison, conditionality and logical dependencies between the decision making attributes. Therefore, multi-criteria models are proposed in the thesis for solving decision problems that are based on a combination of classical and fuzzy methods of multi-criteria analysis, as well as the application of the interpolate Boolean algebra. The main hypothesis in the thesis is that by combining interpolate Boolean approach, fuzzy logic and multi-criteria analysis method the decision-making process can be better modeled than by using a single method of multi-criteria analysis. Classical methods of multi-criteria analysis in the literature are most often applied to solve the problem of decision-making, although their main limitation is the lack of adequate framework for the presentation of the uncertain/imprecise attributes. Such conditions are favorable for the development of the theory of fuzzy sets, which enables analysis of uncertain attributes with the help of fuzzy numbers. Therefore, in this doctorial dissertation were developed hybrid models that combine classical and fuzzy methods of the multi-criteria analysis, in order to overcome the identified deficiencies and achieve more reliable results. Also, the models are proposed based on the interpolate Boolean algebra involving logical interactions of attributes. In this way the capabilities are extended of the linguistic statements of decision makers, and a more realistic view of the problem is allowed. The proposed models are tested on the examples of ranking business banks and telecommunications equipment suppliers. To solve the problem of selecting the business banks is proposed an integrated model that combines classical and fuzzy method of multi-criteria analysis. On the other hand, for solving the problem of ranking suppliers..

    Postoji li pristranost? Empirijska analiza različitih fenomena koji utječu na rezultate anketnih istraživanja

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    It is often assumed that survey results reflect only the quality of the sample and the underlying measuring instruments used in the survey. However, various phenomena can affect the results, but these influences are often neglected when conducting surveys. This study aimed to test the influences of various method effects on survey results. We tested the influences of the following method effects: item wording, confirmatory bias, careless responding, and acquiescence bias. Using a split-ballot survey design with online questionnaires, we collected data from 791 participants. We tested if these method effects had an influence on mean values, item correlations, construct correlations, model fits, and construct measurement invariance. The instruments used to test these influences were from the domain of personality and gender inequality, and their items were adapted based on the method effect tested. All tested method effects, except careless responding, had a statistically significant effect on at least one component of the analysis. Item wording and confirmatory bias affected mean values, model fit, and measurement invariance. Controlling for acquiescence bias improved the fit of the model. This paper confirms that the tested method effects should be carefully considered when using surveys in research, and suggests some guidelines on how to do so.Često se implicira da su rezultati anketnih istraživanja isključivo odraz kvalitete uzorka na kojemu je istraživanje provedeno i korištenih mjernih instrumenata u anketnom upitniku. No, postoje različiti fenomeni koji mogu utjecati na rezultate, a koji se često zanemaruju pri provedbi anketnih istraživanja. Ova se studija bavi ispitivanjem utjecaja različitih efekata metode koji mogu iskriviti rezultate anketnih upitnika. Testirali smo utjecaje formulacije iskaza, potvrdne pristranosti, nemarnog odgovaranja te pristranosti slaganja. Koristeći se dvjema inačicama online anketnog upitnika, prikupili smo rezultate 791 korisnika društvenih mreža. Testirali smo jesu li navedeni efekti metode imali utjecaja na aritmetičke sredine čestica, korelacije čestica, korelacije konstrukata, pristajanje metrijskih modela podatcima te na invarijatnost mjerenja. Instrumenti putem kojih su efekti metode bili testirani bili su iz sfere ličnosti i rodne nejednakosti te su njihove čestice bile izmijenjene shodno potrebama mjerenja utjecaja pojedinog efekta metode. Svi testirani efekti metode, osim nemarnog odgovaranja, pokazali su statistički značajne utjecaje na rezultate na barem jednoj razini analize. Formulacija iskaza i potvrdna pristranost utjecali su na aritmetičke sredine čestica, na pristajanje modela podatcima te na invarijatnost mjerenja. Kontroliranje pristranosti slaganja rezultiralo je modelima koji su bolje pristajali podatcima. Ovaj rad potvrđuje da istraživane efekte metode treba uzeti u obzir prilikom provedbe istraživanja metodom ankete, ujedno dajući određene konkretne preporuke istraživačima na koje načine to učiniti

    Analysis of the efficiency of insurance companies in Serbia using the fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS methods

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    The aim of this study is to propose a fuzzy multi-criteria model that will facilitate the assessment of insurance companies’ efficiency. This study includes all companies operating within the insurance sector in Serbia in the period from 2007 to 2014 and the data were used from the published financial statements of insurance companies. Five key indicators were identified for the assessment and rating of insurance companies. Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) were used for building the proposed model. In the first stage, priority weights of criteria were defined by using the FAHP, while in the second phase the insurance companies were ranked using the TOPSIS method